tonight i just thought "you know what, screw this"
I'm not moping around the house feeling sorry for myself any longer.
Screw having a sore throat and being down and upset about Tom (i should explain.. we've had another argument).. i'm supposed to be sorting my life out!
So, in honour of my revelation, tomorrow I will be not just venturing out the house for days but doing oh so much more. Let me elaborate...
I will get up and ready nice and early in order to get a lift to college with my mother.
I shall spend my fist two frees doing the graphics work that I should have done over christmas... here comes an hour and a half of being stooped over a light box (Y)
then i will stop slaving away over the not hot at all light box just a smige early in order to settle myself at a computer/on my phone so i can bid for my lovely sequin hotpants that I have found :D if i don't get them i swear to god... might bid on them early in the morning just incase I forget/page is blocked on silly college computers/can't get internet on my phone
I will then continue my college day in my normal studious manner before making my way to my nan's for tea where I will do further work as well as paint my nails
Then I will be venturing out in a skirt/dress and heels to go to river rooms :)
Oh god, i almost forgot.. I will also book a haircut somewhere during my hectic day :D I know just how i want it now.... i found a picture to show so they can't misunderstand what i'm trying to tell them (as hairdressers usually do).... anyway it's kate moss... looookkk...

I want it just like this but with a little bit of a thicker fringe and just a smidgin longer :D (who knew smidgin was a real word eh!? :P)
Anyway, i should get sleep now for my busy day tomorrow :)
Night night,
E xxx
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