talk about emotional...

Saturday, 25 December 2010

christmas is here :D

i've done it again and now i have lots to say, sorryyy, i shall summarise :D

tuesday - wrapping presies day, it was rather nice :)
wednesday - went over to toms (no snow shall stop me!) we got chicken and chips and watched love actually and it was lovely :) then he dropped me at my nans and i went from there to Pauls to watch Lord of the Rings, i arrived right at the wolves of isengard scene in the middle of the two towers... only my favourtie of the 3 films :D SCORE. watched that till the end snuggled in a duvet then made my way over to spoons with sm and abbie for 'girls xmas meal' :D. The food was pretty bad but it was nice being with my girls :) then to the crispin for a pint.. drew out my last £10 D: but w/e, i wanted to enjoy myself :) then stayed at nans and lay in till 1.30.. a new record i do believe! :D
thursday - didn't really do anything yesterday, got back at 4ish but it felt really late cuz it was dark so i decided it was too late to do anything and spent my evening sat around lazily :)
friday (today/christmas eve! :D) - last minute present wrapping, tidied room, meant to paint nails but i'm very very lazy :P if i'm honest i don't feel that christmassy... i felt more christmassy two weeks ago... maybe my body clock is seriously confused :P and i couldn't make the feeling last a whole two weeks! plus i have a splitting headache which isn't making me feel at all merry D: and i'm due on D: got a bit of pmt me thinks.

anyway i must go to bed now otherwise santa won't come and i don't want that! will update tomorrow night with info on presents and general frolics of the day. tom might be visiting which would be rather lovely :) anyway, night night,
E xxx

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