I bought some more clothes :)) This dress was from Topshop for £25, which isn't too bad really, and it's so pretty :) I'm rather happy with it :D

I got a plain coral pink t-shirt aswell which is quite nice :)
Yesterday was a bad day but today's been better.
Life atm isn't too bad really:
-Rather low on funds (most likely due to my addiction to buying things), could do with a job really although i don't want to give up my free time and i'm way too lazyyyy to work, don't even want to think about when i'm older and HAVE to work! scary eh!?
- Still getting this odd feeling i want to move away now and again. Had it big time yesterday. Just wanted to pack up and leave. New place. New house. New room. New friends. New life. I think i just get bored with my life too easily. I want to get out and do and see new stuff.
- Been in touch with my old best friend and i hadn't really realized how much i've missed her. We've promised to meet up soon and i think it'll be really nice to see her again :) we need a good old girly night :)
- College over soon and holiday even sooner!!! Eeee i'm actually so excited for my holiday (in less than 2 weeks! :D) - sun, tan, reading, relaxing, eating out, mmmm yes please :) need a trip to the libary to find some good books though :)
- Summer is always something to look forward too, and Reading Fest of course! :D
I really want to buy an epilator too, because shaving is REALLY getting on my nerves! I have to shave my legs every other day now and i hate it! But i'm terrified of the pain of an epilator :/ plus they're rather expensive.. the one i want is 75 quid, and that's with £30 off! Hmmm..maybe i should just go for it and take loads of painkillers! :')
E xxx
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