talk about emotional...

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

I came here to get away

But I still feel like shit 
Everyone else is here with their partners, or their friends or their family or at least their fucking dog 
I haven't seen anyone else on their own 
Just me
On my own 
Looking and feeling like a pathetic, miserable mess 

When do things get better? Please let it be soon 
I hate my fucking family so fucking much 
I've never wanted to run away from home until now 
Literally, if i had somewhere else to go I would fucking go, so fast, right now 
But I don't
I don't have anywhere I can go or anyone to turn to 
I want want to escape so badly 
I hate them so much
I'm so angry and upset 
I feel like in going to explode 
I just wanna hit something or tear something apart 
I'm shaking 
Fuck this 

Today I am thankful

That I still have some co-codamol left 

...send me to sleep please

Thursday, 19 June 2014

can't stop thinking about him

can't stop missing him
can't stop wanting him
can't stop loving him

so fed up
i have no motivation to do anything
i don't even want to leave my bed
.. i wish he was here with me
although, if he was, i wouldn't want us to waste it
i'd want us to make the most of our time together
go driving, anywhere, drive fast, windows down, music blaring, singing along
laughing, smiling, happy
go on an adventure, find somewhere to explore
go walking, somewhere new, somewhere quiet, just me and him, hand in hand
bake things, lots of new things, get it wrong but keep trying until we got it right
sit outside with our creations and stuff our faces
relax together in a food coma
lie with each other, just talking

thinking like this is torture
its so hopeless
i know i'm being pathetic
i keep getting angry at myself
'pull yourself together!'
'get up , dry your eyes and do something!'
but i can't
i'm so tired, all the time
i don't sleep properly at night
i can't switch these thoughts off
i can't switch my emotions off
it's exhausting keep getting so upset
i feel emotionally and mentally drained

i feel like i can't even text him
he's probably got other people he'd rather be talking to than me
he's busy, having a good time
i'm just his pathetically pitiful nuisance of an ex

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Bikini shopping

Has got to be my number one, most depressing, most self esteem destroying activity ever
I mean I don't like my body at the best of times but I look especially awful in a bikini
As if my constant horrible hay fever, lack of motivation, lack of friends and broken heart wasn't already ruining my summer,
I now have "looking fucking disgusting in a bikini" to add to the list too.... 

Yay for me

Monday, 16 June 2014

Nothing to show

It tears me apart
I feel like I spent two and a half years of my life giving so much love, time and trust to one person only to be here
I have nothing to show for it
Apart from loneliness, jealous tendencies and the most painful of broken hearts
We made memories that I can't even bear to think about anymore

It hurts so much
I could cry all night if I let myself
I try so hard to keep it together
But I just don't know how to cope with this pain
Nighttime is always the worst
Lying in bed alone, with nothing but my thoughts
I wish I had an off switch sometimes 
Or even a restart button
Just don't wanna be here right now
I'm exhausted  

Sunday, 15 June 2014

i can't breathe

my heart is racing
i feel sick
i've gone boiling hot
and feel like im gonna pass out

fuck him
and fuck her

he can fucking have her
he wanted her the whole time he was with me anyway
and now is his chance
now he actually can without me being able to say one word

all the fucking trouble she caused
the fact that because of her we broke up
yet he still likes her, he still wants her
it just proves that he doesn't want me
and the sooner i accept that, let him go and move on with my life the better
this is torturing me
i cant do it if he's gonna go for her
i just need to start distancing myself so that i can let go of him and try to move on
i'd fight for him but not if he doesn't want this anymore
and i definitely am not gonna compete against her
i've been fucking competing against her for the past year and a half
and it's clear who he wants now
i'm done

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Feel like he's happier without me

And it hurts so much

I wish i'd never let him go
I wish none of this had ever happened
I just wish everything had been different

And all i wanna do is text him to tell him that i cant stop thinking about him and how much i miss everything about him, and love everything about him
But i cant because i just feel like i'm irritating him all the time
And because he doesn't feel the same as i do
I fear not seeing "i miss you too" or "i love you too" anymore
So its best for me to not to say them in the first place
Just keep it to myself

I feel so alone tonight
and so ugly
and worthless

Can't help but blame myself for everything
Can't help but think maybe this is what i deserve
I know i never deserved him him the first place
So maybe it should be this way
I'm getting the pain that i deserve
And he's happier, and free from me
Free to find someone better

Looking back doesn't even make me smile anymore
It only makes me breakdown and cry
I want those times again
I'd give anything to live those times again
There's are so many memories that should be wonderful
But all they do now is cause so much pain

I'm such a fucking idiot
I've lost him
I've pushed him away
I don't know how to accept the idea that we might not have another chance
That i might lose him completely
All my hope is gone
I feel so alone and so hopeless

I'm a complete and utter mess

Friday, 6 June 2014

Can't believe i fucking drunk texted him...

I'm such a fucking jealous dickhead
I need to lay off
I literally hate her guts
And all because he finds her attractive
It's so ridiculous 

Yeah you're right 
I did break it off
But why?
Because of fucking her 
I practically spit her name 
I know it's unfair on her
But how can I not despise her
For she's the reason I had to give him up 
She came between us from the start
And he was weak enough to keep talking to her
And now because of her I've lost the one guy I could have imagined marrying
The one guy I wanted to spend my life with
Grow old with
Because of fucking kaz
I've lost him 
Fuck her
Fuck her
Fuck her 

And no matter how nice I try and dress
How good I feel
How many guys buy me drinks or give me attention 
At the end of the night I still end up alone and upset because the only attention I want is probably being given to her right now 

But yeah
I broke it off
So fuck my feelings 
Go fuck her
With her perfect fucking abs
And boobs 
At least you'll have what you missed out on with me

I hate her
But I hate myself more right now
And I don't even hate him a bit