talk about emotional...

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Thursday, 18 October 2012

trying to do my make-up for uni

but i just keep crying

although i don't think joni mitchell is exactly helping

i just wanna stay in bed and cry myself back to sleep

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

if you tick off five or more of the following symptoms, it's likely you're depressed:

being restless and agitated 
waking up early, having difficulty sleeping, or sleeping more 
feeling tired and lacking energy; doing less and less 
using more tobacco, alcohol or other drugs than usual
not eating properly and losing or putting on weight
crying a lot 
difficulty remembering things 
physical aches and pains with no physical cause
feeling low-spirited for much of the time, every day 
being unusually irritable or impatient
getting no pleasure out of life or what you usually enjoy
losing interest in your sex life
finding it hard to concentrate or make decisions 
blaming yourself and feeling unnecessarily guilty about things 
lacking self-confidence and self-esteem 
being preoccupied with negative thoughts
feeling numb, empty and despairing 
feeling helpless
distancing yourself from others; not asking for support 
taking a bleak, pessimistic view of the future 
experiencing a sense of unreality
self-harming (by cutting yourself, for example)
thinking about suicide 

time for bed i think

want to run away

so fed up and confused

feel like utter shit

Monday, 15 October 2012